Saturday 20 April 2013

Working on our Writing

We have been learning how to assess our own writing. We started with generating writing criteria and creating a writing continuum. We came up with the ideas for our writing criteria. Ms. Leech wrote the criteria on sentence strips and put it on the wall. Then she put the writing continuum on the wall as well. Then Ms. Leech gave us post it notes so that we could put our names on the writing criteria that we wanted to focus on. Before we write, we always look at the writing criteria and decide what we are going to focus on. After we write we look at our writing and see if we met our goals and how we can improve our own writing. We are becoming better writers. We love writing because Ms. Leech lets us choose where we write, what tools we use to write with (paper, pencils, notebooks, iPads, or laptops), and what we write about. What do you like to use when you write? Do you assess your own writing?
Using the writing continuum to decide where he is at and what he needs to do to improve his writing.

Writing a story about a flashlight.

Reading student blogs and making comments.

Writing on his blog.

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