Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Snow Day

Today we played in the snow. Yesterday we played too but it was so snowy outside that Ms. Leech didn't want to take the iPad out and get it wet. Today was a beautiful sunny day. It even felt warm in the sun. 
Here are some pictures of us playing in the snow. We made huge snowballs, snow forts, tried to play soccer and some of us built a sliding area. Yesterday we played outside with Mrs. Bailey's Class and today we joined Mrs. Sarchet's class. 

Anti Bullying Day

Today we wore pink shirts to support anti-bullying. Did you wear a pink shirt today?

Tuesday, 25 February 2014


It snowed all day yesterday and today. We finally have snow. Today we came dressed to play in the snow. We also decided to observe the snow. After recess, we each collected a cup of snow. We found that if we really packed the snow into the cup and then moved the cup the snow came out in the shape of the cup. We could use the cups and make snow castles like sand castles. We brought our cups into the classroom and started observing using our snow. We learned that snow is very cold by using the thermometers. We wondered how long it would take for the snow to melt. We wrote our observations down on post it notes. Some of us also put our observations on our blogs. 

Thursday, 20 February 2014

50 Acts of Kindness

Today we launched a project called 50 Acts of Kindness. When we do acts of kindness or someone else does something kind for us we write it down on the chart. We are also challenging Mrs. Sarchet's class to do 50 Acts of Kindness. Together we will then have done 100 kind things for people. We were so excited to start that already today we have being making sure to do kind things for our classmates and other people in our school.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

100 Day

We are 100 years old!
Today we celebrated ONE hundred days of school. We dressed up as 100 year old people. 

We started our morning with Race to 100. 
We are creating our own race to 100 game!

Then wmet on the carpet to start our exploration of 100.
Yesterday we each wondered about 100 and chose our own materials that we would use to explore the number 100. We planned our own learning intentions, materials needed and criteria for our projects. 

Some of us came to school with already prepared 100 day projects, some of us brought materials from home to use for our exploration and some of us used the classroom materials.
I made a necklace of 100 cheerios at home!

A lego creation that has used 100 pieces of lego.

Some of us had individual inquiries and some of us teamed up because we wanted to learn the same thing about 100. 
Check out our blogs to see all of our learning!

How much is 100 drops of water?

What can we build with 100 cups?

How much is 100 marshmallows?

Counting the cups to make sure there are 100.

Sorting marshmallows into groups of 10.

Documenting the learning with an iPad and the app Skitch.

Counting water drops takes lots of concentration.

Using cups to show 100!

Drawing 100 pictures!

Documenting learning on his blog.
Making a train of 100 trucks and cars.

Will 100 bees fit on the screen?

100 stickers

We found out that building with 100 marshmallows is sticky and hard,

Documenting her learning on an iPad.

In the afternoon, we read 100 Day Worries and then went to the gym to try some 100 activities, such as timed jumping jacks, bouncing the basketball 100 times, throwing the ball 100 times, and running for 100 seconds. 

We had a great 100 Day but we are not finished yet. We are still going to write about being 100. We are also going to play Race to 100 with our big buddies. 

How did you celebrate 100 Day?